Friday, June 20, 2008
Hamas members born with smuggling gene
Jun 20, 2008 19:48 Updated Jun 20, 2008 20:04
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh denied on Friday that Hamas had agreed to stop weapons-smuggling efforts on Gaza's border with Egypt as part of the cease-fire deal with Israel, and claimed that it was incapable of such action.
According to a Reuters report, Haniyeh - speaking to worshipers ahead of Friday prayers in Gaza City - said: "We cannot talk about stopping smuggling because it is something beyond our ability as a government and we did not give a commitment in this regard."
Haniyeh added that Hamas would not force other organizations in Gaza to abide by the truce, but added that they had nevertheless agreed to it voluntarily.
In response government spokesperson Mark Regev said that the cease-fire agreement included a halt to weapons-smuggling and to attacks by all Gaza groups.
"Anyone who says otherwise apparently wants to destroy the calm before it has a chance to really succeed," he said.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Infidel can you spare a billion or two?
By BARBARA SURK, Associated Press Writer Tue Jun 3, 12:34 PM ET
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Syria's president said he was willing to hold direct peace talks with Israel in the future under U.S. sponsorship, laying out his vision of how negotiations could progress. It just means Assad wants to pickpocket the US taxpayers. Sure Assad wants peace (at a price, footed by the US Taxpayer) if Israel returns the Golan which Syria formerly occupied after the War of Independance.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Merchandising where the real money is
Last update - 22:35 02/06/2008 Olmert to Abbas: PA bid to curb our Europe ties 'unacceptable' By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent and News Agencies Tags: Ehud Olmert, Peace, Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday protested to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas efforts by his government to curb Israel's burgeoning relations with Europe and the international community. At the meeting at Olmert's Jerusalem residence, the prime minister mentioned letters sent by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in which Fayyad requested they not upgrade ties with Israel in light of ongoing settlement building, and lack of progress in peace talks. Olmert told Abbas: "This is completely unacceptable to us, and does not represent the relations today between the sides, and returns us to the negative rhetoric of the preceding period." He was referring to the hostilities of the second intifada when the Palestinian Authority was under the control of its late chairman Yasser Arafat. For their part, the Palestinians at the meeting condemned the government's approval for plans to build nearly 900 additional homes for Israelis in east Jerusalem.
So basically the Arabs can continue terrorized and kill even after retreating from Lebanon, retreating from Gaza and offering them 1/2 of Jerusalem, 90% of Yehuda/Shomron, and giving back the Golan. BUT don't mess with commerce. That's a real redline.
Just another reminder of our "peace partners"
8 hours ago
CAIRO (AFP) — Israel, which recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of its creation, does not exist on maps and atlases in Egypt where the history of the Jewish State is taught only as a painful reality.
Maps sold in Cairo's main bookshops omit Israel, with the area comprising Israel and the occupied territories simply labelled "Palestine" in Arabic.
Sixty years after its creation, and 30 years after the Camp David accords paved the way for a 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, Israel exists only virtually as far as its neighbour to the west is concerned.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
"Look how well the disengagement has turned out

"Calm down, what's all the ruckus? All I want to do is give half of Jerusalem, Yehuda, the Shomron and the Golan. Look how well it turned out since we gave back Gaza and let in Arafat 15 years ago."
What you talkin' 'bout Willis?