Friday, November 30, 2007
The Miami 2
Posted on Thu, Nov. 29, 2007
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Associated Press Writer
TAMPA, Fla. -- Two Egyptian college students facing federal explosives charges will be tried together, a judge ruled Thursday.
One of the defendants, Youssef Samir Megahed, asked U.S. District Judge Steven Merryday to sever the cases earlier this month. Merryday denied that motion without comment in a written order Thursday.
Megahed and fellow University of South Florida student Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed were stopped by police for speeding near Charleston, S.C., on Aug. 4. Officers said they found materials to build explosives in the trunk of the car.
Both were indicted on charges of transporting explosive materials.
Protesting and Chanting Slogans

Surely "burn" is too harsh a word. I'm sure they're only "protesting" and "chanting slogans".
Here are some more interesting pics on the same topic.

Olmert - ever the perfectionist
Israel's prime minister issued a rare warning yesterday that his nation risked being compared to apartheid-era South Africa if it failed to agree an independent state for the Palestinians. In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, Ehud Olmert said Israel was "finished" if it forced the Palestinians into a struggle for equal rights.
If the two-state solution collapsed, he said, Israel would "face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights, and as soon as that happens, the state of Israel is finished". Israel's supporters abroad would quickly turn against such a state, he said.
Just when Olmert seems to have outdone himself, he just ups the ante and outdoes himself even more.
Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Jeez, I'm here 10 minutes already and when is Olmert going to hand over the keys to all of Israel!"
What's wrong with this picture?
An Islamic Jihad militant takes part in a training exercise in the Gaza Strip November 29, 2007. U.S. President George W. Bush hosted a Middle East conference with Israelis and Palestinians in Annapolis, Maryland, on November 27 at which it was agreed to launch peace talks immediately with the goal of reaching a final accord by the end of 2008. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa (GAZA)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Daled Amos: YouTube: Palestinian Arabs Reaction To Annapolis#links
Israeli Arabs: Abbas lacks mandate to make concessionsPoll conducted by Arab Center for Practical Social Research finds that the majority of Israeli Arabs distrust Palestinian negotiators to settle on core issues in peace talks with Israel; 65.6% of respondents state that negotiators lack the authority to recognize Israel as a sovereign state; staggering 81% of Israeli Arabs say negotiators cannot concede the rights to Jerusalem Roee Mandel Published: 11.28.07, 21:48 / Israel News
I just thought the comment by Daled Amos compliments this article in Ynet. Basically, Condi Rice is so hopelessly wrong on Israel and the Arabs.
Iz Shver Tzu'zayn a Terrorist
BRIEFING: For militants, Gaza violence a way of life
By Paul Martin
Next stop was a back-street gathering with other members of the group, as children milled around, admiring their heroes. Inside a safe house, Mohammed, a 23-year-old computer specialist, was using Google Earth to locate the target on the Israeli side of the fence. In good English — he went to college — Mohammed complained that these days, the maps are deliberately made inaccurate to foil rocketeering precision.
Lighting a long, white fuse, they prepared to beat a hasty retreat.
But their three rocket missiles failed to fire.
"It's the detonators," explained Haroon disconsolately. "We are really short of decent equipment these days."
Speaking in the voice of the terrorist: It ain't easy being a terrorist these days. The revolution has let us down. You really have to work hard these days to kill innocent men, women and children. Let's face it between Google Earth and those lousy detonators, the job is sooo difficult. In fact, I bet it's those Jews fault that we have to work so hard to kill them.
Hey Mohammed and Haroon here's a tip. You're right the job of killing innocent men women and children is too difficult. Just give up your job.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Another Arab wall of separation
Athlete stripped of Bahraini citizenship for competing in Israeli marathon Runner Mushir Salem Jawher stripped of Bahraini citizenship after competing in and winning Israeli marathon. Bahraini Athletic Union receives news of competition with 'shock and regret'
Associated Press
Published: 01.06.07, 22:03
Authorities have revoked the Bahraini citizenship of a Kenyan-born athlete who ran in an Israeli marathon, the nation's athletic union said Saturday.
If it walks, talks and acts like...
So if the PA walks like a terrorist organization, talks like a terrorist organization and acts like a terrorist organization then why is Israel not combatting terrorism and neutralizing the terrorist organization - the PA?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
About that Gaza humanitarian crisis....
From Ma'an (Arabic):
The commander of the [Fatah-based] Ahmed Abu Rish Martyr Brigades yesterday claimed responsibility for the bombing of the Sufa three military-type missiles Amr 2.The battalions in a press release wrote: "This operation came in a series Covenant and fulfill the spirit of the martyr leader Yasser Arafat, the symbol, stressing adherence to the approach of resistance as a strategic choice".
There are multiple daily bombing and rocket attacks attacks against crossings between Gaza and Israel, so this would hardly be noteworthy if it wasn't for this:
Israel will allow the opening of the Sufa crossing for the passage of agricultural produce, beginning with strawberries and flowers and then expanding to include other produce, [Agriculture Minister Shalom] Simchon told Israel Radio.For the first time in weeks, the crossing was opened Tuesday for two hours to allow the passage into the Gaza Strip of 200 calves, the radio said.
In short, Alice in Wonderland exists. Hamas and the general Arab world invert logic and any scintilla of humanitarianism to further their goals.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Olmert should hang his head in shame

Olmert should continue to hang his head in shame. How ironic that the man who wants to willingly hand over Israel is standing and addressing a crowd at a memorial for Ben-Gurion. See how Ben-Gurion is quoted on Israpundit saying that no one has the right to give away any part of Israel. Yet Olmert speaks and continues to give away Israel.
Learn, Pray and Write
By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer Sun Nov 18, 5:41 PM ET
JERUSALEM - The U.S. is pressuring Israel to meet a long-standing obligation to freeze all West Bank settlement construction ahead of a high-profile Mideast conference, rejecting Israel's stance that it be allowed to continue building in existing communities, Israeli officials said Sunday.
Learn and pray for the Jewish People, Jerusalem and Israel.It's also time to join the letter writing campaign. The peoples' opinion does matter. The OU Institute for Public Affairs has created a very good website about Yerushalayim. I highly recommend that you read it. There are no real chidushim but it certainly re enforces much of what we already know. Reading the articles lessens the distance between the heart and the brain.
In addition there's a page of email and snail mail addresses along with fax numbers of all the people that need to be contacted in the US and Israeli government. I highly recommend respectful and appropriate letter writing to our government representatives.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just another rifle

The child in this photo is just another gun in the eyes of the Arabs. In a society that inculcates a culture of death, being a Shaheed, to it's youth, people are just another bomb, kassam, katyusha, AK47, etc. Individual life has no meaning.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat appeared to soften his position Thursday but still rejected Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's call for explicit Palestinian recognition of Israel as "the Jewish state," saying he was baffled as to why Olmert wanted to "poke us in the eye" over the issue.
Asked by The Jerusalem Post whether he recognizes that the Jewish nation has historic rights here, Erekat said: "Israel has rights in the Middle East and the majority of Israelis are Jews. And when we recognized Israel, we recognized the composition of the state." Erekat had told an Arabic satellite TV interviewer earlier this week that the Palestinian Authority "will never acknowledge Israel's Jewish identity."
How does this simple statement "poke them in the eye"? Why is it so hard to say and affirm in writing?
He said the Palestinians were not imposing new preconditions for negotiation, and that Israel's move was akin to "me asking you to acknowledge Israeli responsibility for Palestinian suffering since 1897."
Huh? Last I heard country called Israel was established May 14, 1948 at which time all the Arab countries started a war to wipe out the Jews and the Jews fought back and won. Erekat's statement is so wrong on so many levels. He should be living in Egypt because he's certainly in de-Nile (denial).
The refugee issue, Erekat said, "must be negotiated by the parties" and "resolved in a just and agreed upon manner."
Suddenly he's negotiating. Abbas declared he wouldn't compromise.
Israel, he said, "cannot force us to accept terms."
That's because Israel treated the Arabs incorrectly from the beginning when Israel won all the wars. Israel should have treated them like loosers and make them surrender and then start from negotiating from there.
"Both sides should honor their obligations under the road map" peace plan, he said.
Now he's talking "honoring the obligations under the road map." "Honor" he doesn't know what the word means. This is the same negotiator from Arafat's reign. Arafat the Godfather of terrorism who fully funded suicide bombers and the Karin A.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Gaza is already Jew-free
Published:Nov 15, 2007
TEL AVIV - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will announce a freeze in West Bank settlement expansion as a gesture towards the Palestinians at a US peace meeting this month, a senior official said today.
There are no more Jews in Gaza. Israel already made Gaza Jew-free in 2005. So, as of now, there will be no more Jewish expansion in Gaza. Get them a map and a clue. The West Bank and Gaza are two different areas run by two completely different terror organizations ( maybe that's how the SA Times mixed up the two areas). Get your terror organizations and the areas that they control correct.
Quick! Send Jimmy Carter
RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on Thursday for the overthrow of Gaza's Hamas rulers, following the Islamic group's deadly crackdown on his loyalists in June.
Abbas stopped short of urging an uprising, but he appeared to be trying to capitalize on growing discontent with Hamas in the coastal territory. It was his first explicit demand that Hamas be ousted since the militant group seized power.
Get Jimmy Carter, former US President and Arafat's former speech writer, on a plane to meet with Abbas and talk some sense into the terrorist, err, I mean man. How dare Abbas suggest this! Geez' the next thing you know Abbas will be calling Hamas terrorists. Oh, that's right, Abbas, the terrorist did call Hamas the "T word".
Jimmy will comfort Abbas by saying, "Hamas, the other terrorists, were democratically elected. Just give them time." "It's the will of of the people".
Tshuva or Aveira
November 13, 2007 on 2:13 pm
Elad Group owner and Israeli billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva, who is partnering to build an $8 billion megaresort where the New Frontier stood, shook hands and gave hugs after the tower went down.
So Mr. Tshuva (repentance) is building in Las Vegas, AKA "Sin City". Is he changing his name to Mr. Aveira (sin) or will Las Vegas become known as "Repentance City"?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Gazan suicide bombers against Hamas?
By KARIN LAUB, Associated Press Writer Tue Nov 13, 2:06 PM ET
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - The backdrop to the latest explosion of violence in the Gaza Strip: skeletons of unfinished apartment towers, shuttered factories, empty store shelves and skyrocketing prices for bread and cigarettes.
Five months of rule by the Islamic militants of Hamas and isolation from the world have taken a heavy toll on the already impoverished territory, and frustration over the hardship helped drive this week's mass rally by the rival Fatah movement that ended in mayhem.
The group showed its willingness to use considerable force to stay in power when Hamas police opened fire during Monday's rally of more than 250,000 people. By the end of the day, seven civilians were dead and 85 wounded. Hamas then rounded up 400 Fatah activists overnight and threatened "additional steps" against its bitter enemy.
Economic decline has been rapid since Hamas seized Gaza by force in June and Israel closed the territory's borders in an unprecedented lockdown. Most factories have closed, tens of thousands lost their jobs and exports and most imports are frozen.
Roughly 75 percent of the 1.5 million Gazans now live in poverty, up more than 10 points from the summer, according to Palestinian government officials in the West Bank.
Haven't we been told over and over again, ad nauseum, that the root causes of terrorism was severe poverty, hopelessness, desparation and lack of opportunity ? This story has it all. The Gazans are living an impoverished, dismal and oppressed life. So shouldn't we be seeing Gazan suicide bombers attacking Hamas? Shouldn't we be seeing Gazans firing Kassam rockets at Hamas?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Olmert's new outline
2. The first stage of the road map calls on the Palestinians to dismantle terror groups. The sides had agreed recently that talks would proceed according to the document. In recent weeks, politicians from the right, especially MK Yisrael Katz (Likud), have taken to accusing the government of holding negotiations outside of road map dictates.
Olmert essentially confirmed those accusations. "There is a new outline," he said. "The traditional position has been that there will be no road map implementation without the first phase. I came to the conclusion that we are somewhat able to change the tradition."
Another new line in the sand. And just like the last one (the PA was to remove terrorists and terrorism from their midsts) was redrawn so too can this one be redrawn.
The only good about this is that it gets down to the basic issue issue - the existential existence of a Jewish country in the middle east. It the heart, brain and soul of the Arab-Israeli conflict. All the LFP ideas (land for peace) blew the ship off course. So far the PFP policy has led to continuing death and destruction via terrorism. It's more aptly named LFT - Land For Terrorism. The issue is much deeper than a game of Monopoly.
Saeb Erekat Lies again
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service
Saeb Erekat, chief negotiator for the Palestine Liberation Organization, rejected on Monday the government's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. In an interview with Israel Radio, Erekat said that "no state in the world connects its national identity to a religious identity."
No state except for the Arab States like Iran and Saudi Arabia and more specifically his own. Check out the Palestinian Basic Law (that's what they call it) Chapter 1, Article 4:
1. Islam is the official religion in Palestine. Respect and sanctity of all other heavenly religions shall be maintained.
2. The principles of Islamic Shari'a shall be the main source of legislation.
3. Arabic shall be the official language.So where is the media to challenge Erekat? One need no do a lot of digging to find this out. Heck, I found it.
Israellycool shares my sentiments check out his blog and Elder of Ziyon which he references.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Arafat hoped to dance on the collective Jewish grave
By Ken Ellingwood, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer November 9, 2007
RAMALLAH, West Bank — The squat tomb sits in dignified quiet, decked in gleaming white Jerusalem stone on a slope soon to be carpeted green by 25 species of trees and shrubs.A two-story prayer hall and 98-foot minaret stand guard nearby, completing a memorial complex for the late Yasser Arafat that is tranquil, stately and well-ordered. It is, in other words, pretty much everything his tumultuous reign as Palestinian leader was not.
"On the one hand, they salute him for his achievements[Death, destruction, poverty, misery, embezzlement and corruption. emphasis added].
Arafat always said he wanted to be buried in Jerusalem, which he hoped would one day serve as the capital of a Palestinian state.That hope remains alive.
Because he believed in the obliteration of the Jewish people, G-d forbid. Arafat's burial in Jerusalem with Jerusalem as the capital of another Arab country would be the equivalent of dancing on the collective Jewish grave.
The tomb is built to allow the body to be retrieved easily from the concrete enclosure for reburial, Shtayyeh said. The square minaret overlooking the grave has a window on top through which a laser beam will point south toward the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's walled Old City.Even the pool surrounding the mausoleum on three sides is designed to make the structure appear to float, a sign of its transitory nature, Shtayyeh said.The place may be built in stone, but not for eternity. "The code word of all this is temporariness," Shtayyeh said.Thursday, November 8, 2007
AP Editorial article
Where's the journalistic integrity? Why didn't the article quote people from the Yesha Council? Why only Atabs and Peace Now?
Israel talks peace, but expanding settlement hurts prospects for Palestinian state
The Associated Press
Published: November 7, 2007
BETAR ILLIT, West Bank: The rattle of jackhammers splits the air on a windswept West Bank hilltop as workers smear mortar and lay bricks at a new apartment building in this sprawling Jewish settlement.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says he's ready to make a deal that would give the Palestinians a state in the West Bank. But realities on the ground — outlined in a new report Wednesday showing vigorous Israeli construction in the West Bank — could have momentous implications for the latest U.S. peacemaking push.
"Everything that Israel is doing on the ground is of course an obstacle to what are trying to achieve," said Rafiq Husseini, a top aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Nonetheless, he said, the Palestinians want to negotiate "until the last minute."
The Palestinians said Monday that they have received assurances from the U.S. that Israel would meet its short-term obligations under the "road map," a U.S.-backed peace plan. In its initial stage, Israel is supposed to freeze West Bank settlement construction and dismantle dozens of settlement outposts scattered across the territory.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sometimes a "gesture" is more than a gesture.

Saturday, November 3, 2007
It's against international law! It's inhumane!