Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Elder of Ziyon: The rocket calendars
Hamas showin' the love
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Newsflash: Israel already left Gaza
Am I missing something?

Bomb shelters

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Mohamed sentenced to 15 years
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Can Israel afford any more "Goodwill" to Abbas?
JERUSALEM - Israel said Monday it will free two of its most prominent Palestinian prisoners — a militant mastermind from the 1970s and a gunman elected to parliament while behind bars — among 199 inmates to be released as a goodwill gesture to embattled Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
While the move will give an important boost to the moderate Abbas, it drew fierce criticism from some Israeli politicians, who said it could undermine attempts to free a captured Israeli soldier held in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. What has Israel gained? Is there a limit to goodwill?
Monday, August 11, 2008
It's the weapons that are the real problem

Is this just another propaganda piece as well?
By IBRAHIM BARZAK, Associated Press Writer Mon Aug 11, 4:25 PM ET
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - A severe cash shortage gripped the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Monday as tens of thousands of people were unable to withdraw money from banks in the poverty-stricken Palestinian territory.
Why is there more than enough money to make millionaires - literally millionaires - in the tunnelling business? What happened to the crushing gas shortage? Yet there aren't enough shekels in circulation to feed the average Arab living in Gaza. Silly question. Gaza (and Yehuda and Shomron) is run by a bunch a greedy, intransigent, blood thirsty, death-cult loving Arabs who care more about themselves and their movement than the average Arab on the street. Let the average person live in squalor, feed them an all-encompassing dose of death culture, and produce propaganda to lie, obfuscate and block the organizations and countries (Israel) that want to help them.
What happened to the crushing gas shortage? We saw cars parked in the street. Idle ambulances because they lacked gasoline. There was untold mayhem and suffering just a short while ago because the Arabs in Gaza (and thanks to the AP and other jaundiced media outlets). Oy! What will be? People were dying because there wasn't enough petrol to run the electric plants and the plastered pictures of people getting dialysis who might be in jeopardy because Israel didn't send enough gas. That was one big goose egg. A good propaganda piece by those in charge of Gaza and helped by their co-conspirators - the AP and the other new media.
Is this just another propaganda piece as well?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Lt. Lavine is Female and Orthodox
By MICHAEL SCHWARTZBERG Senior Correspondent
1st Responder Network
Story Number 073108127
By Andrea Lavine
Andrea Lavine has been elected 3rd EMS (Emergency Medical Service) Lieutenant at Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, marking the first time a female Orthodox Jewish volunteer in Baltimore County has held such a rank.
A Pikesville woman who balances being a wife, mother of two teenage daughters, and a career as a hospital-based pediatric social worker has been elected 3rd EMS (Emergency Medical Service) Lieutenant at Pikesville Volunteer Fire Company, marking the first time a female Orthodox Jewish volunteer in Baltimore County has held such a rank.“I wanted to be an EMS provider since age seven and thought about it seriously when I was 18 but was concerned how I would balance that with my Orthodox lifestyle,” said Lt. Andrea Ziv Lavine, who in addition to being elected as a lieutenant was also named PVFC’s EMS Provider of the Year for 2007. “When I married I remained interested but ignorant of my options.” As Lavine embarked on her career she met a volunteer, educated herself about the options, and decided to apply – after her husband completed his PhD.Lavine said the 1970s television show Emergency! played a significant role in her decision to become a volunteer EMS provider. “Ever since watching that show I wanted to be the one to be there in the moment of crisis to help people through,” she said.Lavine, who is in her 30s, officially joined PVFC in June 2005 and has been riding Medic 325 ever since. “I’m grateful for the opportunities I have had over the past three years and for the learning experiences that have enriched my life.”Being an Orthodox female in a firehouse – somewhat of an unusual place to find a mother who wears a skirt over her pants and covers her hair – hasn’t been an issue for Lavine. “I think my acceptance of others has helped with their acceptance of me,” she said. “I had to prove myself as a provider and a productive member of the company to be accepted.”In 2007, Lavine answered more than 130 calls as a volunteer, and responded on 20 more as one of the company’s part-time paid medical staff. Her 15-year-old daughter is also involved with the fire service, having earlier this year joined the Fire Brigade Pipes and Drums of Greater Baltimore, a bagpipe and drum band comprised of firefighters and family members of firefighters from the Baltimore metropolitan area (including two husband-and-wife pairs from PVFC). Next year when she turns 16, she plans to join PVFC as a Junior member. In addition to Lavine, PVFC’s roster includes a number of other Orthodox Jewish members, and a significant number of recent recruits to the company have been Orthodox. Lavine and her family attend Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim Congregation.PVFC’s ambulance, staffed with volunteer personnel, averages about 1,800 calls per year. In addition to funds raised through community donations, the unit receives significant financial support from Save-A-Heart and Covenant Guild.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Madison Ave meets Hezbollah
What would/do the UN forces do excatly?

Exactly what would the UN forces on the ship do? The UN forces could do the exact same job sitting in dry dock. The UN has done a bang up job enforcing Resolution 1701 and in Darfur and...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hamas members born with smuggling gene
Jun 20, 2008 19:48 Updated Jun 20, 2008 20:04
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh denied on Friday that Hamas had agreed to stop weapons-smuggling efforts on Gaza's border with Egypt as part of the cease-fire deal with Israel, and claimed that it was incapable of such action.
According to a Reuters report, Haniyeh - speaking to worshipers ahead of Friday prayers in Gaza City - said: "We cannot talk about stopping smuggling because it is something beyond our ability as a government and we did not give a commitment in this regard."
Haniyeh added that Hamas would not force other organizations in Gaza to abide by the truce, but added that they had nevertheless agreed to it voluntarily.
In response government spokesperson Mark Regev said that the cease-fire agreement included a halt to weapons-smuggling and to attacks by all Gaza groups.
"Anyone who says otherwise apparently wants to destroy the calm before it has a chance to really succeed," he said.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Infidel can you spare a billion or two?
By BARBARA SURK, Associated Press Writer Tue Jun 3, 12:34 PM ET
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Syria's president said he was willing to hold direct peace talks with Israel in the future under U.S. sponsorship, laying out his vision of how negotiations could progress. It just means Assad wants to pickpocket the US taxpayers. Sure Assad wants peace (at a price, footed by the US Taxpayer) if Israel returns the Golan which Syria formerly occupied after the War of Independance.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Merchandising where the real money is
Last update - 22:35 02/06/2008 Olmert to Abbas: PA bid to curb our Europe ties 'unacceptable' By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent and News Agencies Tags: Ehud Olmert, Peace, Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday protested to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas efforts by his government to curb Israel's burgeoning relations with Europe and the international community. At the meeting at Olmert's Jerusalem residence, the prime minister mentioned letters sent by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in which Fayyad requested they not upgrade ties with Israel in light of ongoing settlement building, and lack of progress in peace talks. Olmert told Abbas: "This is completely unacceptable to us, and does not represent the relations today between the sides, and returns us to the negative rhetoric of the preceding period." He was referring to the hostilities of the second intifada when the Palestinian Authority was under the control of its late chairman Yasser Arafat. For their part, the Palestinians at the meeting condemned the government's approval for plans to build nearly 900 additional homes for Israelis in east Jerusalem.
So basically the Arabs can continue terrorized and kill even after retreating from Lebanon, retreating from Gaza and offering them 1/2 of Jerusalem, 90% of Yehuda/Shomron, and giving back the Golan. BUT don't mess with commerce. That's a real redline.
Just another reminder of our "peace partners"
8 hours ago
CAIRO (AFP) — Israel, which recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of its creation, does not exist on maps and atlases in Egypt where the history of the Jewish State is taught only as a painful reality.
Maps sold in Cairo's main bookshops omit Israel, with the area comprising Israel and the occupied territories simply labelled "Palestine" in Arabic.
Sixty years after its creation, and 30 years after the Camp David accords paved the way for a 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, Israel exists only virtually as far as its neighbour to the west is concerned.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
"Look how well the disengagement has turned out

"Calm down, what's all the ruckus? All I want to do is give half of Jerusalem, Yehuda, the Shomron and the Golan. Look how well it turned out since we gave back Gaza and let in Arafat 15 years ago."
What you talkin' 'bout Willis?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I don't see the resemblance

Face painting day
Someone call the tailor

Members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' security force demonstrate their martial arts skills during a graduation ceremony in the West Bank city of Jericho, where they arrived earlier in the day from Jordan, Wednesday, May 28, 2008. Six hundred members of Abbas' police force graduated in Jordan and returned to be deployed in Jericho Wednesday.
(AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Popeye's very evil twin
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Easy does it there, big boy
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Will the ISM now protest/harrass PA Police?
May 6, 2008 13:28 Updated May 6, 2008 14:28
Kabatiya man hurt as PA police attackedBy
Palestinian Authority policemen that began deploying in the Jenin area Saturday haven't all been greeted with roses and champagne.
On Tuesday, an unarmed 21-year-old Palestinian man was seriously wounded in Kabatiya when gunmen fired at the PA security forces that were deploying in the village located south of Jenin.
Officials say the man is now on life support at a hospital.
The PA forces set up roadblocks in their search for the assailants.
The PA police commander in the Jenin district, Suleiman Imran, told Israel Radio that when the new police forces entered the village they were also pelted with stones.
Medics say police later shot two stone-throwers in the legs.
Where's the protest, the "natural reaction", the rage? The police shot "children of the stones" as Arafat called them. It's the big bad police against the poor defenseless children throwing stones.
My guess is this is going to be another ho-hum story of Arab on Arab violence and nobody will really care. Because only when there's Jew on Arab violence is it really a newsworthy story.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
He's from the Southern West Bank
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Would the real jacket please stand up!

A Palestinian journalist wears the torn flack jacket of Reuters News cameraman Fadel Shana during a protest in Gaza against his killing in this April 22, 2008 file picture. Israeli troops were unable to identify Shana as a journalist before they fired at him from a tank, the Israeli army said on Wednesday, citing the preliminary results of an investigation. Shana died while filming on a road in central Gaza on April 16. Shana had been travelling in a vehicle that was marked with large press and TV stickers on the front and sides and was wearing blue body armour with "Press" in large blue letters on a white fluorescent panel on the front.REUTERS/Suhaib Salem/Files(GAZA)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Reminds me of a KKK costume

"Really, I'm not a dhimi..."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Petira Of Hagon Rav Henoch Lebowitz ZATZAL
The Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, Horav Hagaon Rav Henoch Leibowitz, zecher tzaddik l’vrocha, has passed away on Tuesday, April 15, 2008. The funeral is scheduled to take place at Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, 76-01 147th Street in Kew Garden Hills, at 1:30PM on Wednesday.
Rav Leibowitz was a Rosh Yeshiva for over 60 years, inspiring generations of students. This is a tremendous loss for all of Israel.
Monday, April 14, 2008
You sell gasoline, you die.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - The Gaza Strip's four main universities shut down Monday after officials said students couldn't get to class because of critical fuel shortages.
University officials said attendance rates were down by at least 60 percent Monday, prompting the closure. It affects more than 45,000 students and will last until Thursday.
Officials said they would put together an emergency education plan that could include conducting some lectures over the Internet and radio.
"This is a genuine crisis," said Ali al-Najjar, an official from Azhar University, which is affiliated with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement.
Except Dia Hadid, the author parsed the statement by Ali al-Najjar. AT the end of the article the author quotes al-Najjar as saying, "This is a catastrophe, but a part of it is created here," al-Najjar said.
The Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip is suffering crushing fuel shortages. Israel is Gaza's sole fuel provider, and in recent months, the Jewish state has reduced supplies to try to pressure Palestinian militants to halt their rocket fire into southern Israel.
Shortages were aggravated recently after Gaza fuel distributors stopped selling the reduced amounts that Israel was providing to protest the cutbacks. Israel then closed its only fuel transfer terminal last week after Palestinian gunmen attacked the site, killing two Israeli workers.
Hamas has seized on the shortages to play up Palestinian suffering. Many Palestinians in Gaza complain that Hamas is hoarding supplies — something the Islamic militant group denies.
An Israeli security official said the crisis was Hamas "propaganda" and that Hamas could solve the problem by picking up fuel supplies lying idle at the depot. The same author employing the exessive hyperbole (the "OMG" or "Chicken Little brand of journalism")now states after saying the Gazans were "suffering crushing fuel shortgaes " then says it a Hamas hoax created by Hamas to nefariously use their own people as pawns. In fact, the fuel is waiting idle in supply depots because the gas station owners won't sell the gas. Mostly under the new Hamas law, "You sell gasoline, you die." I hear it's a very effective rule.
Hamas has continued attacking Israeli forces along the border and firing rockets at Israeli towns, and allows Gaza's other militant factions to do the same.
A trip from the southern town of Rafah to Gaza City — where universities are located — used to cost $1.70. The same trip now costs between $2.80 to $4. Most of Gaza's 1.4 million residents live on less than $2 a day.
This means the average Gazan who is the average student at a Gazan university spends 85% of their daily wage to travel one way to school. They're running a deficit. Maybe they should become US Senators.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Too young to get the 72 virgins

"Relative calm" is all relative

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
"It's the strike dummy"

The caption runs out of gas

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
It's the embargo - again

Che Guevara - the latest Arab Leader

Look at the upper right corner of the photo. Che Guevara belongs next to ARafat and Saddam Hussein
Monday, March 31, 2008
Someone needs some fiber in their diet
A bucolic and tranquil Mideast Conflict

Palestinian Abu Ibrahim, 66, right, walks with his grandson Mohammed, 6, seated on a donkey loaded with grass to be used as feed for their animals, on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Ramallah, Monday, March 31, 2008.(AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Loose-loose for Israel
By DIAA HADID, Associated Press Writer 45 minutes ago
JERUSALEM - Israeli police on Tuesday broke up a Palestinian event meant to promote Jerusalem as the world's next "Arab Cultural Capital."
The Palestinians want next year's celebrations to strengthen their claim to the disputed city. But Tuesday's crackdown sent a strong signal that Israel will not go along with the decision by the 22-member Arab League to bestow its cultural prize on Jerusalem.
"We want to exploit this for Jerusalem," said Ahmad al-Ruweidi, head of the Jerusalem unit in the office of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Two years ago, the Arab League quietly designated Jerusalem its 2009 "Arab Cultural Capital," an honor that rotates among Arab countries. Winners typically use the occasion to showcase their attachment to Arab culture, sponsoring poetry, music, dance performances, lectures, school activities and sporting events.
This was just a loose-loose situation for Israel. If Israel allowed it to on, the Arabs would have lavished unpresecidented amounts of money and publicity (propoganda). Now that Israel barred the propoganda event, they'll just lavish tons of money, tout themselves as victims of the merciless Israelis, make this a resaon why they should have Jerusalem as their capital and still pour out tons of propoganda.
The key word is truely "exploit".
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lavrov not as funny as Herman Munster
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Get a cell phone

Friday, March 21, 2008
We already sent guns to the terrorists
33 minutes ago
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - After months of delay, Russia agreed to Israeli conditions regarding the delivery of armored vehicles to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's security forces, Israeli officials said on Friday.
Israel agreed in November to allow the Palestinians to receive up to 50 lightly armored vehicles but a dispute emerged over a Palestinian demand that they have guns mounted on them.
Israeli officials said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during a meeting on Thursday that Russia agreed to shipping the vehicles without mounted guns.
And according to Abbas:
Defending his call to use weapons against Israel, he [Abbas]added: "We have a legitimate right to direct our guns against Israeli occupation. It is forbidden to use these guns against Palestinians. The occupation has perpetrated brutal attacks in Jenin, Beit Hanun and Ramallah."
Didn't the US already send them guns and train the terrorists loosely affiliated with the moderate Abbas?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Elder of Ziyon: Today's Gaza edition of "biting the hand that feeds you"
In addition to them bombarding the very source of their only and basic supplies, they also try to smuggle in explosives:
Israel foils bid to take explosive material into Gaza on aid truck
By Zohar Blumenkrantz and Yuval Azulay, Haaretz Correspondnets
Tags: Gaza, Israel, Palestinians
Israel Airports Authority security personnel on Monday thwarted an attempt to smuggle a chemical substance that can be used to manufacture explosives and rockets, from Israel into the Gaza Strip though the Kerem Shalom crossing. The IAA recovered two tons of the bomb-making material from a truck attempting to smuggle the material into Gaza in the guise of a humanitarian aid delivery.
US to transfer $150m. to Palestinians
US to transfer $150m. to Palestinians
The US is transferring $150 million in aid to the Palestinian government in the coming days, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salaam Fayad announced Wednesday.
PA Prime Minister Salaam Fayad.Photo: AP
The payment is part of a total of $550 million the US pledged to pay to the Palestinians over three years, part of a total of $7.7 billion in pledges from international donors made at a conference in Paris in December.
Call, Email, Fax your Senator and tell him/her that you don't want any of your tax money(yes, it's your money not your senator's money) to go to the PA for any reason. Please use proper discretion, be polite and curteous. Look at VIPAC for some letter suggestions. http://www.vipac.org/archive/
Then contact the President and the Vice President and tell them the same thing. Please use proper discretion, be polite and curteous.
The contact the Secretary of State and tell her the same thing. Please use proper discretion, be polite and curteous.
Israeli Rambos

The picture of the two Israeli body guards reminds me of the Jackie Mason routine where he compares perceptions of US Jews with US Italians and the Israeli Army with the Italian Army. He basically sets up US Jews as geeks and nerds carrying slide rules and tough US Italians ala images of the mafia. Then contrasts the tough Israeli Army with the weak Italian Army. There's no point here except it was a thought buzzing in my brain.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Who is their target audience?

Friday, March 14, 2008
Jailed for rock throwing in America

By Elizabeth Dinan
March 07, 2008 11:07 AM
PORTSMOUTH — A half-hour after he was detained by a police officer for being "unruly" in front of a downtown bar Thursday night, Channing Martin threw a rock at the rear of a parked and marked police cruiser, reducing the back window to piles of shattered glass.
After he said he understood, Martin was fined $500, ordered to pay $568 in restitution to repair the cruiser window and to serve ten days in jail. Where are the civil rights groups? He was merely protesting just like the Arabs in Israel.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Now toothless in so many ways.

Did Chavez have something to do with this?
animals calling for an end to the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip

Monday, March 10, 2008
Che, Arafat, Abbas...

Doesn't this seems dangerous?

As a parent I see this situation frought with danger and wouldn't let my child paly in bombed out ruins. But hey I don't use children as bombs and human sheilds.
Hamas's Gay off-Broadway musical

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Here pictures and videos of Gazan Arabs using people as human shields and Mosques as hiding places for RPG's and hand granades.
Someone defending Israel in an interview.
When an orange isn't very orange

Here's an ordinary bag of oranges, with two oranges outside the bag for contrast, that I purchased from Shoprite recently (actually this has nothing to do with Israel). I think its very deceptive to bag these oranges in a bag with orange colored stripes running through the bag to make you think the oranges contained are a robust orange color. They are more of a grapefruit yellow color if you ask me. (And my wife thought my purchase of a tripod was a waste of money. I think its very handy an necessary for certain situations - like photographing fruit.)
Lard not bombs
Ashkelon resident Moshe Nissimpor decided that the best way to halt rocket fire from Gaza - in light of what he terms the government's failure to do so - is some vigilante justice.
Nissimpor developed a homemade 200-millimeter ballistic missile which he planned to launch from Ashkelon into the Gaza Strip.
Instead of loading the missle with with an explosive device that could kill people, he should have loaded a device that sprays pig lard over Gaza. Maybe Israel could load a drone that sprays pig lard. I wonder if the UN and the other terrorist appeasers would be satisfied with spraying pig lard.